Thursday, October 30, 2008

Dental Products and the Homosexual Agenda

My dentist in Houston is wonderful. When we talked about Halloween, he said he was thinking of going as Sarah Palin, but he wasn't sure. Turns out the local bars are expecting a huge turnout of Palin impersonators, so they're referring to the street party going on between the bars in Montrose as "the Night of a Thousand Sarahs."

On the way out I stopped to pay my bill, and there under glass on the counter is a correspondence between my dentist and Jerry Falwell. It took place during the heady days of TinkyWinky, and Bruce had written to Falwell to point out that dental dams were often lavender and that this might be a sign that those pushing the homosexual agenda had infiltrated the dental product industry. Falwell wrote back and thanked him for pointing this out, and said he'd pray for him.

Holy smoke.


  1. Ha! Oh sweet. I love your dentist!

  2. I love the labels on the second part of your October 30 post: DENTAL DAMS, JERRY FALWELL. Without the comma, you've got a great sentence!
    Sarah Palin....whatever her schtick is---be it some g-dropping affectation or a genuine lack of knowledge---she is a huge insult to women. If I follow her example, I have to act "folksy" or be "folksy" to succeed and, I have to be one dimensional as well. I either own some Carhartt garb or I am a liberal. Apparently some people are buying what she is peddling, though.
    By the way... Is Sarah Palin going as "Sarah Palin" this Halloween?

  3. Ah, now the conspiracy comes to light. The purple dental dams, the tooth fairy, the oral hijinks. It's all becoming much clearer. What? It's hygiene, not hijinks? Uh . . . never mind!
