Sunday, October 26, 2008

Opinion poll! (thanks to C. Dale Young)

Who do you think should win the National Book Award in Poetry?

Year after year, we hear people say that such and such should have won, or I think blank should have won. Well, here is your chance to say who YOU think should win, not necessarily who will win.

Who should win the NBA for Poetry?
Frank Bidart for Watching the Spring Festival
Mark Doty for Fire to Fire: New and Selected Poems
Reginald Gibbons for Creatures of a Day
Richard Howard for Without Saying
Patricia Smith for Blood Dazzler

View Results

Create your own myspace poll


  1. Hey Mark,

    Thanks for reposting the poll I created. This may help increase the capture rate.


  2. I haven't finished reading them yet. So I abstain.

    (weirdly, the word verification here is quess, a lot like guess) but I guess not.)

  3. I voted for Mark, but I may have to use somebody else's computer and vote for Patricia, because I love hers, too.

  4. I thought C. Dale's poll was so entertaining that I wanted to spread it around. Thanks for setting this up -- feels like a poetry election!

  5. Me. Hey, wait a minute. I'm not on that danged list. Merely an oversight.
