Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A song to celebrate the day

You can ignore the pictures; the performance is too great to miss. Happy day after to all; this morning the nation's a bit of a different place.


  1. This one's pretty good, too:

  2. Have been ecstatic all day, but my joy is tempered by the passage of Prop 8.

  3. Horray for Obama and us! Boos and jeers for Proposition 8 (here in California). I guess that we're gonna have to take it all the way to the Supreme Court. We mobilized to try to defeat the proposition, now it's time to summon that same energy to go national. Perhaps it's time to march on Washington. I'm serious.

  4. ...and you just made the day even better! I've been dancing and cheesing like nobody's business! ...and now...Al Green! Oh, me oh my! (Squeeee!)
