Monday, December 29, 2008

Housing Works

Tonight at the Housing Work Thrift Shop on W 17th they were unloading some elaborate gilt chairs and a big gilt console, kind of Liberace-goes-to-Versailles. I don't think I'd usually think these were beautiful, but there was something about them being stacked in an open truck, at night, gleaming in the streetlights -- they seemed strange and splendid.


  1. I have never blogged about anything, but I am a struggling (overwhelmed)poet and I have loved his work since the first time I heard him read years ago. I find his work to be not only beautiful, but the humanity of it is intoxicating and inspiring.

  2. The shadow on the right-side-up chair looks like the face of the New Year's clock chiming midnight.

    Happy New Year!

  3. Hi Mark, that incident the other day left me a bit nonplussed. No offense was meant by it and I was a bit taken aback by your reaction...
