Saturday, December 27, 2008

The New World

It's amazing to be living in a place where there are wildly different bodies of water right nearby. To the south of us is open Atlantic, a rough-ish beach, a wide expanse of sky. That's the top picture, taken yesterday afternoon, December 26,and the ones below are from my walk today at Louse Point, just down the road from us. That's East Harbor, a salt marsh which this afternoon was covered with mist. There were two swans feeding, and a great blue heron holding resolutely still; one of the swans is swimming by, a tiny flash of white in the middle picture. If you embiggen the bottom one, you'll see a blur of a great blue.


  1. Appears you may need to add photography to your list of artistic skills, Mark. Thanks for sharing these.

    I visit Plum Island fairly often, and the contrast of the open ocean and the admixture of grass and water on the marsh side is often surprising.

    It's nice to see the ecosystem still allows a habitat for birds.

  2. It will be pretty hard to be uninspired with days in such thin places. I imagine it might also be a bit difficult to leave when duty calls.

  3. Beautiful. I'd far rather live out here than in an apartment with big glass walls.
