Tuesday, January 27, 2009

California Light

Something about this image -- an Andre Derain from the Museum of Modern Art in San Francisco -- makes me think about the light here, the way each individual thing seems to stand out, in a kind of relief, especially as you get closer to the coast, when the sun's shining. Which it has been quite a bit lately, gift of heaven, unlikely thing.

This is a cell phone snapshot so it's not the best quality. I was a little startled when I realized that the SF MOMA lets you take pictures, so I could point my iPhone at anything, and be a possessive collector, as if I were stealing color. Now my phone's full of Matisse and Max Beckmann, stuff it would seem immoral to erase.


  1. Camera phones really are one of the greatest inventions. Although sometimes I could do without the phone part.

  2. I have only been to california once in my life when I was much younger and one thing I remember is the way the light, especially around sun up or down, made each thing become illuminated. very beautiful. I also loved the line "as if I were stealing color." a very intriguing thought and interesting idea, perhaps for a poem.

  3. Thanks for these delightful bits from your California trip. Perhaps a poet is ready to rewrite Dickinson: "There's a certain slant of light / On California afternoons." It's a tradition for people to migrate to the beach at sunset at Carmel-by-the-Sea, a collective facing west (except for the dogs who keep playing) until after the sun drops below the horizon.

  4. Dear Mark,
    I have finally posted my notes from your spectacular "Conversation on Craft" talk from Dodge. It is on my blog under "Oracular pear." I hope it is to your liking. I didn't use the entire poem "Apparition" because I lacked permission. I workshopped "A Display of Mackerel" for my opening class and it is my now favorite poem. Please visit my blog. www.completeword.wordpress.com

    Big thanks for your inspiration, Tamam Kahn

  5. I visited SF and SFMoMA last Christmas, and found the light there stunning. "The Girl with Green Eyes" is at home.
