Thursday, January 8, 2009

Idiosyncratic Menagerie

Here are the results from my Poetry Workshop in the Guardian, a wonderful collection of distinctively individual animal poems. Thanks to all who entered! The Guardian chose the top ten poems, and I picked from those my favorite five.


  1. Mark,

    Thanks. I enjoyed the poems you selected. AC Clarke's To a Slow Worm especially. The crafty interplay of worm and word.

    Best, JM

  2. Thanks for the workshop. I particularly enjoyed 'Cockroach' which really does crawl all over the skin.

    Relieved to hear that the Guardian provided you with selected entries - as this means that my unruly, misbehaving effort will have stayed hidden in the shadows.

    Sorry you couldn't get to the TS Eliot readings last night. Nick Laird read beautifully, but it jarred to hear your poems in such a different voice.

    Please come to England soon!
