Friday, March 6, 2009

The hat I most want to wear in all the world

This beautiful thing is in the Museum of Asian Art in San Francisco; it was made in mid-Thailand, in the 1950s or 60s. The eyes are lustrous brown glass with black pupils. It's a cap to dream on.


  1. It IS magnificent. I once owned a hat. You can see it here:

  2. Thanks, Mark. Your headline and the hat made me smile.

  3. This is a pretty amazing hat, Mark. I feel like I should wear it while holding turkey leg in one hand and a pint of ale in the other.

  4. Mr. Doty--

    Delighted you like the hat. I'm the chief curator at the Asian Art Museum. Next time you are out this way, let me know and we'll get the hat out of the case for you to see up close, if not actually put on.
    By the way, there's a video on YouTube of such a headdress being worn in the dance-drama of the Rama legend at
    Regards, Forrest McGill
