Thursday, August 20, 2009

If life gives you lemons, paint that shit gold

That headline is from the best t-shirt I saw on sun-hammered 14th Street today, that and (on a short, older man with a dashing white beard) I AM A LOVER OF ALL WOMEN.

Below, NYC scenes: immense Heidi Klumm on the side of the tour bus, corner of 7th Avenue, and just down 14th, the biggest, loneliest fish, in a lighting store. He's about a foot long, though you wouldn't know from this picture. He has two long trailing whiskers which don't show here either. His only companion in his tank is a small white eel; they seem to live in different worlds, though.


  1. Thank you for the smile, love the t-shirt quote.

    :) bebe

  2. Love the quotes -are you sure that Man wasn't Leonard Cohen :) He's 75tomorrow I think.
