Thursday, September 10, 2009

The wind of the new

I've felt a bit overwhelmed by the start of school, so no post here for a few days. In a household with two teachers, both starting new jobs, there's a definite mood of disruption swirling around in early September, and it's matched tonight by the wind in the Springs, which is tossing the garden wildly. Paul's still in the city, teaching tonight in Newark, and I've come out here by myself to sit still, for what seems the first time in two weeks, and listen to the wind. I'm thinking about how I love the new, and seek it out, to keep things moving, and yet the new -- especially this much new -- is a source of stress too. Even when it's good. The body isn't really pleased with the process of finding its way in a new space, not knowing where the stairways lead. The spirit's excited by the looks on the students' face when they're thinking about a poem,
or how their shy surfaces fall away as they get excited. The body really wants to sleep, these two weeks. The spirit wants to plan and anticipate. The wind outside feels like a wind inside. Tomorrow the forecast is for rain, and I hope it does: a day to stay in,
sort, and attend would be just the ticket.


  1. Oh my dear, this is so much what I am feeling, today, although I am not a returning teacher, but rather a mountain madwoman with my scroll, wild hair and laughter.

    thank you so for your words, it does get lonely and weird, sometimes, in the "beautiful Berkshires" - I miss my house (and friends) in The Springs. . .

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. As a teacher, I so remember the start of the new school year, the restless sleep the night before and the morning filled with a mixture of anticipation and nervous energy. Now I am retired and September simply rolls right off the back of August. Yet after all those swirling Septembers, the aroma of new crayons and the bright smiles of those energetic first graders still linger in my mind. Now my days are filled with a second cup of coffee, writing and time to relax. Teaching really is a noble profession. I wish the two of you a wonderful and rewarding year!
