Sunday, November 29, 2009

Serious moonlight

Last night the moonlight in the Springs was an astonishment. It seemed to transform the atmosphere into a kind of vague, milky solid. Warm late November night, and over the mostly gone garden, this almost tangible suspension. In honor, here's Dorianne Laux reading her wonderful poem, "Facts About the Moon," with a video accompaniment.


  1. Thank you for Dorian Laux. She is such a wonderful poet. The two crater eyes of the mother at the end of The Facts About the Moon could haunt someone forever. There's another link to the Cortland review that has five audio recordings.

    By accident I started playing them all at once and her poems and her reading style is so consistent it sounded purposeful, as if they were all intended to go together. Then I listened to them all separately several times. These poems are like Louise Gluck's, in the sense that they are easy to enter but you could stay in them for years without wanting to leave.

  2. Yes thanks for this, she is new to me, but well worth finding.

    We had huge tides and a baleful moon hanging like a giant bauble in the bare trees.
