Monday, March 15, 2010

Spring taking place

Last night, after days of torrential rain out here on the far east end of Long Island, I opened our side door to go down to the basement to start some laundry, and there was a sound last heard so long ago, an entire year, and in between then and now this long and grueling winter... the spring peepers, on their very first night, in the swampy woods across the road! Every year I'm shocked by that chorus, and somehow this year especially so, that after all that deep snow and endless cold, here's this life suddenly awake and chorusing. They are actually part of a group called "chorus frogs" by naturalists, and in their brief season they chime at each other (with each other?) like there's no tomorrow. If you don't know them, you can listen to an audio recording here. And if you do know them, you're likely to find the sound even more pleasurable. (It's a good thing there's a recording readily available, because something about their ringing, interwoven shouting-out, with its slightly metallic tone, seems to completely elude description's grasp. Who could ever get it right?)

1 comment:

  1. Well I couldn't have imagined that sound without the audio recording. Thanks, Mark. For you the sound of frogs to mark the advent of spring. It puts me in mind of how i measure the heat of summer by the firs sound if the cicadas. They've all died away now, as we approach our autumn and then winter. Such is the cycle of seasons. How would we be without it?
