Tuesday, April 13, 2010


The brilliant editors at GRANTA have just come out with a new issue centered around the provocative title of this post. The writers assembled include Jeannette Winterson, Herta Muller, Dave Eggers, Roberto Bolano, C K Williams, Carl Philips... just to name a few. Remarkable company. And with a really admirable flair, they've commissioned two young British artists (currently showing at the Barbican) to make three micro-films touching upon three of the pieces in the issue. The first film concerns the Bolano; the second, yours truly's essay, "The Unwriteable"; the third, a not-to-be-missed finale, is based on Dave Eggers's "Four Animals Contemplating Sex." Enjoy!


  1. Fantastic clip of these stories in film, Mark. I'm intrigued.

  2. I now eagerly await my copy in the mail!

  3. something uneasy and provocative about these micro-films...especially the piece for your work. i'm intrigued, for sure.

  4. Not wishing to embarrass you on your own blog, but I read your piece a few days ago and thought it was a quite magnificent piece of writing. I shivered a number of times, both at the phrasing and the things that phrasing conjured. (A shiver, for the avoidance of doubt, is a good thing).

  5. Mysterious and spooky, more so because my internet connection kept slowing; the film would stop and advance, stop and advance, making this short film exquisitely suspenseful. A concentrated feeling of danger and promise.
