Wednesday, July 11, 2012

A brilliant statement about poetics from Mary Ruefle

     I do not think I really have anything to say about poetry other than remarking that it is a wandering little drift of unidentified sound, and trying to say more reminds me of following the sound of a thrush into the woods on a summer's eve -- if you persist in following the thrush it will only recede deeper and deeper into the woods; you will never actually see the thrush (the hermit thrush is especially shy), but I suppose listening is a kind of knowledge, or as close as one can come. 'Fret not after knowledge, I have none,' is what the thrush says. Perhaps we can use our knowledge to preserve a bit of space where his lack of knowledge can survive.

                         Mary Ruefle, MADNESS, RACK AND HONEY: 
                                               COLLECTED LECTURES, Wave Books, 2012

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